Our Favorite Writers

Our Favorite Writers

We love a certain type of writer. He or she is a true artist, and adds a dash of personality to every piece he or she creates. We don’t like boring, dry content any more than you do. We like to be entertained while we are being educated.

Our favorite writers organize their data in way that naturally leads the reader forward, out of pure interest. This includes adding headlines that draw attention to the next section in a way that appeals.

A cohesive written piece, unfolding with added detail as you continue down the page is a joy to read. Unique ways of communicating concepts can make any subject fresh and interesting. We know this isn’t easy to accomplish, which means we appreciate that ability even more. We consider this the art of writing online content.

Articles that wander, drift, or don’t get to the point are simply annoying. Within seconds, we are leaving the page or scanning to find any data of value. We love it when writers have made the effort to keep us interested from start to finish, and who put their heart, soul, and creative ability into their written content. We know they do it because they honestly enjoy the art of writing. They are into it!

We like funny writers. We like serious writers. We like professional writers. Above all, we like writers who can shift from voice to voice and aren’t stuck in one mode, tending to repeat the same words or phrases.

These are the true creative souls, who have the ability to shift viewpoints and literally – become anyone. They are like actors in that sense. They understand the reader and care about the response on the other end of the article above all else.

We are lucky to have some of the most talented writers we know working with us, all of whom demonstrate these qualities in their own unique ways. Our writers rule!

Creative Wordcraft