
Fortune Favors the Bold

    Virgil (full name Publius Vergilius Maro), Roman poet, came up with the saying “Audentes Fortuna Juvat,” which translates to “fortune favors the bold.” He may have been born back in ...

    Web Content Writing is an Art

      There are thousands of excellent writers in the world. Journalists, novelists, poets, advertising copywriters, scriptwriters … all of these writers deserve our admiration and respect. Being a writer is a ...

      Go Ahead. Be a Baby.

        Who hasn’t heard “Don’t be a baby!” sometime in their lives? I disagree, I wish people would act more like actual babies. That would be acceptable. I don’t mean whining ...

        I’m Your Huckleberry

          Okay, that dates me. “I’m your huckleberry” is one of my favorite lines from the movie Tombstone. If you haven’t seen this classic western, check it out. Hate westerns? This ...

            Creative Wordcraft